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Projets et initiatives


01/04/2008 - 30/09/2009

Bridging the Knowledge Gap between Fishermen and Science.

By encouraging cooperative research on challenges of human impact on the marine environment, GAP1 supports the development of innovative fisheries management in Europe. Both science and industry partners of GAP1 are committed to build the capacity to collaborate in participatory research. They share their experiences and work together to develop fisheries research case studies.

GAP1 case studies form the basis of plans for future participatory research activities. GAP1 will explore how the knowledge and skills of science and industry partners can be combined to enhance the understanding and management of fisheries. GAP1 is the first of a planned 3-phase program.

List of Partners

  • Centre for Environment Fisheries and Aquaculture Science (CEFAS), United Kingdom
  • Universidade da Coruña (UDC), Spain
  • Institute for Fisheries Management and Coastal Community Development (IFM), Denmark
  • Alfred-Wegener-Institute for Polar & Marine Research (AWI), Germany
  • Danish Institute for Fisheries Research (DIFRES), Denmark
  • Norwegian College of Fishery Science (NCFS), Norway
  • National Board of Fisheries / Fiskeriverket (SNBF), Sweden
  • Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD), France
  • Fundación AZTI Fundazioa (AZTI), Spain
  • Central Institute for Research Applied to the Sea (ICRAM), Italy
  • Malta Centre for Fisheries Sciences (MCFS), Malta
  • Institut de Ciències del Mar ( ICM-CSIC), Spain
  • University of Leicester (UoL), United Kingdom
  • Latvian Fisheries Research Institute (LATFRI), Latvia
  • Estonian Marine Institute University of Tartu (EMI), Estonia

Work packages

  1. Bridges and best-practice: to build relationships and trust between stakeholders and scientists throug sharing experiences of engaging effectively in science-industry projects that deliver meaningful results.
  2. Knowledge and perspectives: to engage scientists and stakeholders in a series of regional workshops, during which they will share their knowledge and ideas in the process of developing specific research case studies of common interest.
  3. Planning & embedding: to build on the regional activities of WP 2 throug a second European-wide workshop. The workshop will serve to engage all participants at a higher level by bringing the European view on research and setting the sociological context of participatory research . The workshop will use the information and experience gained, to outline plans for research activities that bridge the gap between science and society by bringing stakeholders knowledge to bear on the scientific advice underpinning management and policy-making.
  4. Effective outreach is achieved through communication of the concepts and progress of GAP1 and plans for future RT activities, to project participants, the wider scientific and stake holder community, management agencies, European and national science administrators, and the public. It allows also addressing the principles of openness, quality and credibility of science.
  5. Project coordination and financial management.


The overall strategy of the GAP1 work plan is to provide the opportunities for stakeholders and scientists to engage in the planning and preparation of cooperative research case studies, that will form the foundations of a European-wide RT project on linking fishermen's and scientific knowledge.

The opportunities for engagement are operationalised in three ways:

  • Through regional workshops administered by the local scientific institute,
  • Through two European-wide workshops planned and administered by the co-ordinator and WP leaders
  • Through effective communication and dissemination

Useful outputs for MAIA

Hotlist of Do's and Don'ts in stakeholder participation Benefits of Stakeholder Participation

En savoir plus

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