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Projets et initiatives


Sustainable Diving in Marine Protected Areas

Training of specific collectives (target public: recreational diving) of users in the framework of the Spanish MPA management.

List of Partners

  • Secretaría General del Mar, Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Medio Rural y Marino (MARM);

Work packages

  1. The value of the marine reserves;
  2. Environmental Training;
  3. Knowledge, development and participation in strategies and instruments for the sustainable development of the recreational diving;
  4. Implication in the conservation and management of the MPAs.


  • Seminars with the target public
  • Networking
  • Dissemination

Useful outputs for MAIA

Strategies to address specific collectives of users, involving them in the conservation and management of the MPAs. (only in spanish)

En savoir plus

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Site mis à jour le 21/10/2021
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