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Projets et initiatives


01/01/2010 - 31/12/2013

Future of the Atlantic Marine Environment

The FAME project will be delivered by partners from all 5 countries who have interest, knowledge and expertise in the marine environment, ranging from seabird tracking & monitoring to mapping, data analysis and engagement with the offshore renewable energy and fisheries sectors. The partners will monitor and track seabirds throughout the Area and, by combining this data with oceanographic information, produce comprehensive maps to inform the designation of MPAs. The partners will communicate with a range of stakeholders in the marine environment, to minimise the impact of man?s activities on important areas for marine biodiversity.

Two specific species targeted by the project : Corys shearwater and Madeiran storm petrel.

List of Partners

  • BirdLife
  • BWI (Bird Watch Ireland)
  • SPEA
  • SEO
  • UMinho
  • WavEC

Work packages

  1. Project Management
  2. Gathering Data by Monitoring and Tracking Seabirds
  3. Managing the Marine Environment
  4. Communications


Activity 1, Project Management, will be led by the RSPB and involve collaborative working between all partners ensuring the project is managed successfully. Actions will include setting up the project steering group and the project management group, as well as working groups for each of the other project Activities, ensuring coherence across the partnership in project delivery.

Activity 2, Gathering Data by Monitoring and Tracking Seabirds, involves gathering evidence about the Atlantic marine environment through studying its biodiversity. The partners are focusing on seabirds as an indicator species for wider Atlantic marine biodiversity. Actions will include monitoring seabird colonies, electronic tracking of seabirds and direct observation of marine wildlife. The inclusion of partners from each of the member states means that seabird sites from across the Atlantic Area, from northern Scotland & Ireland to Portugal & Spain, can be studied. The scale of this work is unprecedented. Transnational and national analysis of this data as part of this Activity will provide the Atlantic coast region with the information it needs for informed decision-making about the size and locations of MPAs to conserve the marine environment for future generations. The analysis and mapping activities, will inform the MPA process in all Atlantic Area member states. The transnational analysis and maps produced by this partnership will give a new perspective on the Atlantic marine environment. A complete picture of the Atlantic marine environment is necessary to ensure the accurate identification of key areas for seabirds and marine biodiversity, can only be delivered through a transnational project. Likewise, the Atlantic marine environment must be viewed as an holistic ecosystem, especially as marine wildlife does not recognise geo-political boundaries, and therefore can only be protected transnationally.This Activity will be led by LPO

Activity 3, Managing the Marine Environment, will use information from the data analysis in Activity 2 to make recommendations for the management of the Atlantic marine environment to protect its value for the future. Actions will include recommendations for the management of MPAs, recommendations on the designations of further MPAs and recommendations on how human interactions, for example windfarms and fisheries, can best be managed. To successfully deliver this Activity the partnership will engage with key stakeholders in the marine environment, including decision makers, conservation bodies and marine industry professionals, including those involved with offshore renewable energy generation and fisheries. This Activity will be led by SPEA

Useful outputs for MAIA

Several outputs will be very interesting for MAIA partners :

  • Recommendations for managing important sites for the benefit of threatened / important marine seabird species.
  • Provide current or future stakeholders who are engaged with managing important marine sites, with information on how best to operate for the benefit of seabird species.
  • Recommended sites for MPA designation.

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