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Projets et initiatives


01/01/2009 - 31/12/2013

Channel Arc Manche Integrated Strategy

Approved in June 2009, within the framework of the INTERREG IVa France (Channel) - England program, the CAMIS Project aims at developing and implementing an integrated maritime strategy for the Channel area whilst fostering concrete co-operation between stakeholders.


Approved in June 2009, within the framework of the INTERREG IVa France (Channel) - England program, the CAMIS Project aims at developing and implementing an integrated maritime strategy for the Channel area whilst fostering concrete co-operation between stakeholders.

The CAMIS Project aims at paving the way for a sustainable maritime governance of the Channel area in the basis of 4 co-operation tools :

  • An Integrated Maritime Strategy for the Channel area ;
  • A Cross-Channel Forum acting as a platform of exchange and dialogue between Channel area stakeholders ;
  • A Channel Region Scientific Committee ;
  • A Cross-Channel Resource Center.

List of Partners

19 partners from France and United Kingdom.

IFREMER, University of Chichester, SEEDA, Hampshire Conty Concil, Région Nord Pas de Calais, Vigipol, Bretagne Prospective, Devon County Concil,  Région Haute Normandie (Lead partner), CNRS, Cornwall council, Kent county council, West Sussex county council, Région Basse Normandie, Région Picardie, CROTT transport et logistique, Région Bretagne, Marine southeast, Université de Caen basse Normandie.

Work packages

  1. Maritime Governance ;
  2. Cross Channel Resource center ;
  3. Cluster development and benchmarking ;
  4. Maritime transport and intermodality.


  1. Maritime Governance

This strand will develop a framework for maritime governance i.e. :

  •  A strategy which provides guidance for implementing an integrated maritime policy in the Channel area : a framework for maritime spatial planning, local marine and ICZM strategies, a driver for ongoing territorial (spatial) co-operation, and a document which translates international and EU policies to the Channel space;
  • A concerted approach to sustainable management of the Channel maritime basin, in particular in relation to marine spatial planning and the management of conflicting uses.
  1. Cross Channel Resource centre

This strand consists of setting up a resource centre and mechanism to support enhanced decision making and co-operation in the Channel area.

  1. Cluster development and benchmarking

This strand aims at highlighting cross-border cluster opportunities, facilitating the development of cross border clusters and exchanging good practice between stakeholders.

  1. Maritime transport and intermodality

This work package will investigate the economic and connectivity function of the following transport sectors in the Channel area: Strategic passenger and logistics rail corridors, Strategic Road Access to economic centres and ports, Economic function and potential of airports, development of ports.

Concerning the particular issue of maritime safety in the Channel area, an additional part of this work package will seek to improve the organization of local authorities and their capability of having their voice heard at the international and European level.

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