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Projets et initiatives


01/01/2006 - 31/12/2010

Coordination of European Marine Fisheries Research Programmes

Strengthening the links between European marine fisheries science and fisheries management.
It aims to improve collaboration between the funders of marine fisheries research by providing opportunities for fisheries managers to work together in a partnership: to improve the coordination, planning and funding of research, and to make the most of ICES expertise

List of Partners

  • Defra (Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, UK),
  • RCN (The Research Council of Norway, NO),
  • BMELV/vTI (The Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection and the Federal Research Centre for Fisheries, DE),
  • LNV (Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality , Department of Fisheries, NL),
  • FORMAS (The Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial Planning, SE),
  • Rannis (The Icelandic Centre for Research, IS),
  • IFREMER (French Research Institute for the Exploitation of the Sea , FR),
  • DFIA (Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries, Danish Food Industry Agency, DK),
  • MADRP (Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Fisheries, PT),
  • MIR (Morski Instytut Rybacki w Gdyni / Sea Fisheries Institute in Gdynia (replaced by NCBiR on 1st March 2008), PL),
  • RPF (Research Promotion Foundation, CY),
  • GSRT (General Secretariat for Research and Technology, Ministry of Development, EL ),
  • MI (Marine Institute, IE),
  • LV/ILVO (Agriculture and Fisheries Department/Institute for Agricultural and Fisheries Research MGV-ALT, BE),
  • FRS (Scottish Executive, Fisheries Research Services, UK),
  • MICINN (The Ministry of Science and Innovation, ES),
  • MSHE (Ministry of Science and Higher Education (replaced by NCBiR on 1st March 2008), PL),
  • IPIMAR (National Research Institute for Agriculture and Fishery, PT),
  • NCBiR (National Centre for Research and Development, PL )

Work packages

  1. Programme Management
  2. Good Practice
  3. Collaborative links
  4. Related disciplines
  5. National research programme analysis
  6. Analysis of research topics
  7. Collaborative Research Programmes
  8. 10 Year Forward look and Strategic Research Programmes


MariFish activities include exchanging information on current national research and development programmes being run by the partners; finding ways to improve research planning and procurement by pooling knowledge; and identifying areas of existing collaboration at regional, European and international level. The project also aims to compare and analyse national research programmes to identify areas of common interest, gaps in research and areas of duplication. This will help the partners develop and commission shared research activities in up to five pilot areas.

The long-term aim is to identify the strategic and innovative requirements of fisheries research over the next ten years, before developing jointly funded programmes to meet those needs. Three projects have already been identified and will be funded:

  • BADMINTON: Bycatch and discards: management indicators, trends and location,
  • REPRODUCE: Understanding recruitment processes using coupled biophysical models of the pelagic ecosystem,
  • DEFINEIT: Fisheries Management Indicators and targets: to give the tools needed to estimate MSY while taking ecosystem and socio-economic effects into account.

Useful outputs for MAIA

MariFish publication

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