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Projets et initiatives


01/04/2008 - 30/04/2011

Equitable Testing and Evaluation of Marine Energy Extraction Devices in terms of Performance, Cost and Environmental Impact.

The aim of EquiMar was to deliver a suite of protocols for the equitable evaluation of marine energy converters (based on either tidal or wave energy).

List of partners

The University of Edinburgh, UK

Fundación Robotiker, ES

University of Strathclyde, UK

EU Ocean Energy Association, BE

University of Exeter, UK

University College Cork, IE

Wave Energy Centre, PT

The University of Manchester, UK

Southampton University, UK

Institut Français de recherche pour l'exploitation de la mer, FR

Consiglio nazionale delle ricerche: Instituto di Scienze Marine, IT

Det Norske Veritas, NO

Teamwork Technology, NL

Pelamis Wave Power Ltd, UK

European Marine Energy Centre, UK

Wave Dragon, DK

Uppsala University, SE

University of St Andrews, UK

Scottish Association of Marine Sciences, UK

Feisty Productions Ltd, UK

Aalborg University, DK

Actimar, FR

Electricité de France SA, FR

Work packages

The EquiMar project is divided into ten work packages, the first eight of which are technical:


This WP will build on current explicit and implicit knowledge for marine energy systems in terms of monitoring performance, cost and environmental impact. Results from this WP will feed into the rest of the technical activities. Additionally, the WP will also help to raise awareness among stakeholders on the project and produce useful material for dissemination. The WP is divided in three tasks as follows:

Task 1.1: Analysis of background information (Duration: months 1 to 3).

Task 1.2: Lessons learnt from other sectors (Duration: months 1 to 3).

Task 1.3: Consultation to key stakeholders


In the marine environment, characterising the performance of wave and tidal stream devices is a difficult task and a good understanding of the behaviour of how devices interact with ocean waves and marine currents is important. The characterisation of the physical environment requires knowledge of conditions at locations where the actual devices will be deployed. These conditions vary from location to location due to changes in water depth, bathymetry profile, geometry and exposure of the area, proximity to land, the presence of other devices and meteorological factors. This work package will therefore concentrate on the following sub-packages:

Task 2.1 Assembling wave and tidal databases

Task 2.2 Site by site data analysis - site specific spatial and temporal analysis of wave and tidal current characteristics

Task 2.3 Guidance on assessment and application of input wave and tidal current conditions off the coasts

Task 2.4 Evaluation of model accuracy in the coastal environment

Task 2.5 Extreme wave estimation for marine energy device locations

Task 2.6 Preparation of Protocols

Procedures and methods adopted by the industry beneficiaries in the initial development of their wave and tidal energy converters will be assimilated. These will then be assessed with the aim of the identification of inconsistencies and gaps. Tentative protocols will be synthesised from best practice and subsequently tested by retrospective application to existing design of concepts. Outputs will be verified against the actual outcomes from these wave and tidal devices.
This work package will run for 30 months from month 3 of the project and be managed by UoS. Participants will be clustered into two thematic groups to address wave and tidal energy converters but there will be strong links to ensure coherence and a common methodology will be adopted against which the programme of work will be completed. The programme consists of:

Task 3.1 Assessment of current computational appraisal tools

Task 3.2 Identification and appraisal of improved protocols for computational assessment of marine devices

Task 3.3 Assessment of current practices for tank testing of small marine energy devices

Task 3.4 Design of experimental protocol for tank testing

Task 3.5 Data handling for benchmarking

Task 3.6 Final protocols for concept appraisal

Work package 4 is scheduled to begin in month 3 and is designed to be completed within 30 months so that it can accept information from other WPs as well as supplying conclusions in time to be incorporated in the various dissemination functions.

Reflecting the different characteristics of wave and tidal resources, the WP beneficiaries are divided into two teams. The two studies will progress in parallel so, in addition to being responsible for a primary task, the designated team leaders will also function in the other to ensure continuity and improve the flow of ideas between the two groups. Each of the beneficiaries has been specifically selected not only for the expertise and experience in their specific field but they all have a connection to on going sea trial programme for different devices. UCC will have overall responsibility for assimilating the WP into the rest of the project and an industrial adviser is also associated with each team.

The first set of tasks will be carried out by the Wave Energy Team

Task 4.1: Design of the Sea Trial Schedule

Task 4.2: Standard Analysis & Data Presentation Package

Task 4.3: Temporal & Spatial Test Site Considerations

Task 4.4: Design of the Sea Trial Schedule

Task 4.5: Standard Analysis & Data Presentation Package

Task 4.6: Temporal & Spatial Test Site Considerations


Protocols for device classification and performance measurement for multi megawatt arrays or farms

Matching device design to the environment

Development of protocols for assessment of engineering robustness and system failure of arrays and farms

Guidance for configuration of electrical connection of arrays and farms

Supply chain and infrastructure

Ascertain impacts upon stakeholders


Task 6.1 Discussion of common legislation baselines

Task 6.2 Scientific protocols

Risks for large vertebrates and other critical uncertainties

Task 6.4 Life cycle analysis approach

Task 6.5 Environmental analysis of existing and future scenarios


This work package will develop methods for assessing how the economic viability of the main types of marine energy technology may change with increasing scale of deployment. To distinguish between technologies the focus will be on evaluating the essential infrastructure costs associated with different types of marine energy device and the scope for reducing cost of electricity by optimisation of device performance. This will provide a framework for assessing the long-term viability of designs that are at differing stages of development. These tools will be of considerable use to policy makers and marine energy investors. Guidelines for appraising a given combination of technology and site will be developed and reported through the protocols of WP8.

Task 7.1: Evaluation of existing cost methodologies

Task 7.2: Cost of electricity procedure

Task 7.3: Variation of infrastructure costs with deployment scale

Task 7.4: Influence of site accessibility on technology scale

Task 7.5: Scope for cost reduction through performance optimisation

Task 7.6: Procedure for technology comparison


The protocols developed must reflect

  1. the current state of academic understanding
  2. the needs of the machine developers
  3. external national and certification bodies
  4. developments from RTD within other WP.

The protocols should reflect the possible extension to international standards in due course. This will be ensured by the input and comment from Det Norske Veritas. It is envisaged that there should be protocols to address assessment in five topics, with separate output for wave and tidal energy where appropriate. A key outcome will be the synthesis of the individual outputs into a single document, which will describe a methodology to asses the appropriateness of individual technologies to specific sites, which will necessarily require a combination of technical, economic and environmental assessment. This WP will provide an ideal opportunity to develop such a synthesis.

Within each technical work package (1-7) there will be a specific deliverable to develop the appropriate protocol. WP7 will draw together the prior knowledge, identified in WP1 with the new understanding from the technical Work Packages. This will be validated and modified by a quantified survey of stakeholders and external experts. To ensure flow of output from each work package there will be a "review board" consisting of work package leaders and suitable external experts. It will be the responsibility of each WP leader to feed outcomes from their WP. The group itself will act as a mechanism for ensuring compatibility and equivalence between the different protocols to be proposed to the Project Steering Committee.

Task 8.1 Take input from WP1 - identify and compare commonality/ spot gaps

Task 8.2 Prepare questionnaires and arrange visit to stakeholders

Task 8.3 Analyse responses

Task 8.4 Feed in results from other WP (have a "protocols review committee")

Task 8.5 Prepare individual Draft Protocols for each area

Task 8.6 Circulate protocols to stakeholders and hold a workshop

Task 8.7 Revise and produce final protocols

Task 8.8 Prepare a parallel "explanatory document" that will allow users to understand the background knowledge to the final protocols

Task 8.9 Investigate the connection between the individual protocols to produce a document that identifies the general requirements


This project received funding from the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme FP7/2007-2013

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