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Projets et initiatives

CRESH : Cephalopods Recruitment from English Channel Spawning Habitats

The project "CRESH (Cephalopods Recruitment from English Channel Spawning Habitat) is part of the Project INTERREG IVA France (Manche)-England.
The research focuses on the resources used in the English Channel (cuttlefish and squid) and habitat of stages preceding recruitment (eggs and juveniles) in these species.
The objectives are:
* To improve understanding of the suitable habitat for Cephalopod reproduction.
* To evaluate the contribution of different spawning grounds to the stock recruitment.
* To investigate effects of temperature, abiotic and biotic factors on growth and survival of early stages.
* To develop genetic markers for identification of cephalopod paralarvae so as to understand species specific patterns in juvenile ecology.
* To combine fishery statistics and fishery independent data from both countries to update and refine stock and recruitment assessment.
* To generate new recommendations to fishermen and stakeholders for a sustainable use of English Channel marine resources.

Main Tasks

Compilation of pre-existing knowledge about egg and juvenile observation (MarLIN, CEFAS and IFREMER datasets; questionnaires to fishermen, oyster framers and other persons with activities in the coastal zone including marine lab monitoring).

In situ observation of natural substratum where spawning females attach their eggs (in both English and French coastal waters). Analysis of environmental variability of eggs and hatchlings habitats (diving observations and experimental fishing).

To examine the environmental conditions (for example depth, temperature, salinity, exposure, structural habitat, sediment type) of known cephalopod spawning grounds. To build a model using relevant environmental data layers to predict areas where the environmental conditions are within the preferred ranges for spawning (potential spawning habitat).

Monitoring cuttlefish eggs and s hatched in different areas (experimental fishing). Influence of environment quality on egg hatching and afterwards hatchlings survival, and eco-physiological performances of juveniles.

Interactions between Cephalopod eggs and juveniles and other biotic components of the ecosystem (trophic relationships in egg-juvenile stages).

Development of DNA barcoding methods for identification of early life stages of squid to species. Identification of field samples of squid eggs / larvae to species using genetic methods. Analysis of genetic differentiation among spawning populations of cuttlefish (Sepia officinalis).

Tracking juvenile origin with trace elements and stable isotope analysis of hard structures (among beaks, gladius, cuttlebone, statoliths).

Integration of new results about cohort strength into population modelling and consequences about exploitation assessment. Update and refine population models using both fishery statistics and independent data (existing research surveys).

Feasibility and usefulness of protecting measures for the resource and for the preservation of ecosystem biodiversity (MPAs perspective, recommendations to ICZM and other anthropogenic effects).

lead partener : university of caen basse-normandie: lead partner laboratory : umr-ifremer-ucbn m 100 physiologie et ecophysiologie des mollusques marins


The marine biological association of the uk, marine life information network for britain & ireland (marlin)

devon & severn inshore fisheries and conservation authority, royal holloway university of london,

ifremer boulogne/mer - centre manche mer du nord, ifremer station de port en bessin, comité régional des pêches maritimes de basse normandie, university of plymouth

Useful outputs for MPA practitioners:

CRESH Outputs Presentations :


Boasting a co-financing between nine partners, the Conseil Régional de Basse-Normandie, and the European Union, CRESH part of the programme INTERREG IVA France (Manche)-England

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