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Projets et initiatives


01/01/2011 - 31/12/2013

Marine energy in far peripheral and island community.

The aim of the project is to favour the adoption of marine energy, to identify the specific opportunities and issues faced by peripheral and island communities in exploiting marine renewable energy resources and to develop tool kits and resources for use by other similar communities.

List of partners

  • Cornwall council
  • Conseil general du Finistere
  • Parc naturel marin d'Iroise
  • Pole mer Bretagne
  • Technopole Brest Iroise
  • Ifremer
  • Agence economique de Bretagne
  • University of Exeter
  • University of Plymouth
  • Cornwall marine network

Work packages

  1. Preparation of the project
  2. Management and coordination Project
  3. Technical  support
  4. Policy issues and potential barriers to marine energy development
  5. Sustainable economic development
  6. Community and stakeholder engagement with key groups (e.g. fishing, wave farm developers, and investors).


  • Marine energy resource assessment/mapping;
  • Policy issues and potential barriers to marine energy development;
  • Business and commercial opportunities for island/mainland communities;
  • Island/mainland interaction on appropriate infrastructure;
  • Community and stakeholder engagement with key groups (e.g. fishing, wave farm developers, and investors).
  • Pilot activities
  • Transferable case studies and other deliverables

Useful outputs for MAIA

  • Strategies for the sustainable development of marine energy potential across the two regions;
  • Improved understanding of marine energy resources and methods for the identification of potential sites, e.g. to inform developers of the opportunities;
  • Cross-comparison and evaluation of marine energy development policies and development of policies/protocols to be applied across the regions;
  • Integrated marine energy development guidelines and toolkits for island and mainland communities;
  • Joint events, to include conferences and training/capacity building workshops.

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Site mis à jour le 21/10/2021
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